Do you wonder how to never have a serious poison ivy rash?
I’m teaching you how to never have a serious poison ivy rash. I wish I had known these facts just a few short weeks ago! My serious encounter with this wild plant (and everything learned since) will prepare you for your wild adventures in the woods. I will never have a serious poison ivy rash again! My country abode is surrounded by poison ivy. I know this because my husband also contracted the rash at the same time I did. I will show you proper identification of the plant, how to handle it and how to eradicate it from your yard and your body.
Have you had poison ivy (oak or sumac) in the past?
Anyone going through your body’s immune response to the urishiol oil found on the plant will NEVER make the same mistake twice! Preventative measures will help avoid future exposure. Immediate measures can be in place to prevent a reaction and eruption of symptoms. What are the symptoms? Mine started out on my wrists as very tiny, very itchy (what felt like) flea bites. I know that fleas live in sand. I live on a farm. Better education would have saved me from the next month of suffering.
Poison ivy can be deadly!!
Poison ivy isn’t contagious to other people but if you scratch, you will worsen your own condition. Trust me on this. A great surface numbing cream can be a life saver here. Watch the video to see which products worked and which didn’t. I will save you much agony by watching my helpful poison ivy tips and tricks. This is no joke and you can avoid a severe case or death from a poison ivy reaction simply by tuning in and watching this video. You may just save a life too! A life 101 lesson.