Here’s How to Organize Your Linen Closet
Would you like to know how to organize your linen closet to make everything gorgeous and easy to find? I have your solution right here. This easy to watch video has you making over you existing linen closet. There is no need to purchase expensive organizers. I have cheap and easy ways to make your linen closet look like it came straight from the pages of a magazine. It doesn’t matter how much stuff is currently stuffed into or falling off of your shelves, I have solutions that really work for your space!
Is your closet cringe-worthy like mine?
Ok. We all have to start somewhere! After my move to the new house last year, my linen closet is still a mess. It’s time to change all that with a makeover that leaves anyone proud. It’s easy to get distracted by other household chores and let areas go that are seldom seen by guests. Now that my home is furnished and settled, it’s time to address this infrequently seen closet. I’m having guests for the weekend and it’s the perfect time to give them and myself a great organizational gift. When I’m done, it’s going to make finding bed and bath supplies in this linen closet a breeze for everyone.
It’s cheap too!
Yep – I’m using readily available (and super cheap) storage bins for organizing all the small stuff. I think we all love the idea of perfect storage solutions that are inexpensive too. That’s exactly what I’m using here. Mine are from The Home Depot at about a dollar each. It doesn’t get any better than that! We see pretty fabric and wicker versions of these bins but the type that I’m using today are the most practical. They’re clear which means that you or any one of your guests can see through them and instantly recognize what’s inside. That’s hard to do when you store toiletry items in opaque bins. I’m also labeling the bins so that it’s more readily apparent what’s inside.
Anticipate your guests needs…
A great host anticipates what his or her guests need during their stay. Think shampoo, bar soaps and toothbrushes – all the things that are forgotten when travelling. It’s wonderful to have travel-size versions of all the toiletry items that are needed for good grooming. Your guests will love your thoughtfulness by providing them with all the comforts of their own homes. Guests feel extra welcome because you provide one-time-use items, just for them. I even have an extra blow dryer – just like a hotel. Grocery bags are great (and free) for transporting their dirty laundry back home with them. It’s even better when guests don’t have to ask their host where things are located. They’re readily available for them on and in convenient shelves and bins, with beautiful labels!
The real problem with most linen closets is that the homeowners are usually the only ones storing items in them for their family’s use. When guests come to stay, it’s problematic for them to find items that are specifically useful during their stay. We all know (usually) which set of sheets goes on which bed but your guests certainly don’t. They need guidance from you if these items don’t have proper labels. If someone needs an extra blanket, it’s your job to show them. With my organizing skills, I show you how to help your guests find exactly what they’re looking for. No one needs to be bothered and your guests feel at ease during their stay.
How to organize your linen closet like a pro… 
The pros tell you that the key to good closet organization is keeping things uniform. My linen closet tutorial echos the same sentiment. Use all the same type bins and you avoid visual clutter. It’s worth the extra effort to purchase uniform bins so that the space looks neat. You need to fool the eye into thinking that all of those items are the same. So, disparate items need to be contained within the same type of container. The same theory goes with sheets, towels, comforters and blankets. So, when typical bath towels are folded in half lengthwise, they measure about sixteen inches wide. I try to keep all linens folded to a sixteen inch width. Uniformity throughout the linen closet is my goal for a beautifully finished space. I have a trick for folding items (of all different sizes) to that sixteen inch width.
I don’t show you how to do any fancy folding techniques because you don’t need to do anything complicated. You don’t need a waist-high surface to fold your linens on either. My laundry room is small so I don’t have a large folding space for sheets and blankets. I do the best I can by folding linens in the air or against my body. The trick is in how you approach folding these items. Folding lengthwise versus width wise gives you different results. I show you my technique for ease and uniformity. It’s simple and the results are astonishing! I save space and make more space for new items that my guests want to use. Best yet, I mark all the items by size so that everyone in the house knows their size. There is no more guessing what goes where.
This takes less than two hours!
Well, perhaps less… my closet is double wide. The hardest part of this entire process is purging your old and useless items. If an item is past it’s expiration date, throw it away. If it’s torn or worn, throw it away. Re-purposing items is great too. It’s simple to donate items in good condition as well. As you can see here in the photos, I have four items that don’t make the cut AND I introduce four new storage bins to the space. I told you that I have pretty impressive folding techniques! You can too if you follow along with me and have a linen closet that we can both be proud of!